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Seria legal tbm se fosse possível , criar opção pra Android (celular).

O que vcs acham ficaria mais fácil pra jogar pra quem não tem computador.


Uma versão do Android estará disponível para os clientes no Patreon no final deste mês. Por favor fique atento!

É nesse mês de dezembro que vai estar disponível pra Android??

É nesse mês de dezembro que vai estar disponível pra Android??


will there be a hard mode? i feel like its really easy to kill the enemys and the lust increases slowly

The game is just getting started. There will be greater challenges ahead. When all is done we will review and re-balance the difficulty of the game as a whole, which will allow us to consider additional difficulty levels.


whats the newest version of the game?

At Patreon we have released 0.19.300. This was released at the end of August.

We're currently working on 0.20 with Bates and Android.

Deleted post

I've been playing this game on and off because of how much of a hidden gem this game is! OSH needs such a bigger fanbase. It totally needs to be as well known as some visual novels like Adastra dude

Deleted post

Please launch the Android version soon so I can play this work of art, I beg you 


Android is nearly ready! We are ironing out some touch input issues, but it's playable and running great~

Deleted 1 year ago



Hey there, will we get a pre edition 3 and it include the later versions in the future?

(1 edit)

A Pre Edition III or equivalent will happen soon after Bates is complete. Ket hopes it will be before the end of the year, but we need to properly playtest and prepare publicity, so for now we can simply say it will be soon!


For anyone who want to know the owner of the game is actually gave up on it and now he is just chilling or idk but im sure he gave up on this game for anyone want to know if it going to be in android or mobile

Rly? Well shit… that was a good game.

hmm curious, did he mention it on Patreon? thanks for the update, that is kinda sad. it is still a good game even with the demo :)


On his patron it shows that he still is updating and working on this game and that he is going to be going to conventions advertising art for "Oh So Hero" so while he hasn't updated on it's still being worked on. I can only hope he posts a public update soon on here.

thx for telling me that it helps me and sorry if my comment wasnt real

thx for telling me that it helps me and sorry if my comment wasnt real

Ah wait rly!?

(1 edit) (+1)

We have been posting updates almost every month on Patreon! We will be updating in the coming months. Android will be available too!

when is it coming out on


You got Mac & Linux what about Android

It's coming!

Finally how many months one or more?


u good bro? still alive?


we good


 does this game still get updates


"all of the sudden i became horny"


how do i open the game in my pc files?

when is the next part coming out?


finite fredy

fun nite fred rick 


Android version please



what is the current version on patrеon?

Will the game ever come to Steam

is there a way to download v0.19? or do I have to be a patreon member to download it?

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

I feel like the question we should be asking is did this get discontinued?

It's still being worked on - updates are on his patreon, but I think he might post another public demo at some point.  The newest version just came out yesterday for patrons.


Wow. Im not a furry but i really like this game. only palyed demo so far but havent finished yet. The physics are a sorta kinda little floaty but it works. mecanics are solid. action could use a little work. combat kind boring and needs to feel more like combat. harder. not something that be always run passed. no lag. no bugs yet. Art and animations are really good but they dont really feel crisp. unless thats a style choice and not a rendering issue. Not really into the 3D with the 2d but thats just preference so it doesnt effect my judgement on the game as a whole. music is nice. nsfw animations are great but could use more than cis male on male. Needs more bosses. Current bosses should probably feel like bosses . At the moment you can ran past  the big frog thing. unless that isnt a boss. but it feels like its supposed to be from where its placed? I do aagree with stlmtrdx that the game does feel too easy. A lot of it would ran straight passed without being stopped by enemies. And unlocking all animations on enemies isnt very clear. I thought i got all animations on one enemy but when i check the gallery there was still more. either this should be made easier or there needs to be a in game help to provide player guidance to how the win or loss scenes play out or something. the gameplay at the moment is more explorer platformer than metroidvaina. took a quick read through comments and patreon. this game is a good example of slow and steady development done right.  very good. ive seen hentai games on steam. is this game going to be on steam too? because this game already looks and plays so much better that games that are already on steam. noticed that the demo is around 4 version behind the patreon version. if this is how the demo is im very interested in seeing how the current version plays. probably going to move some patreon money over here. Overall a really good game with not many real issues and a lot of potential that is coming along nicely. I cant wait to see more.


not a furry

uh huh

Lmao in denial 

(1 edit) (+3)

Is this game still in development? I haven't seen any update logs in a very long time :c


The game is way too easy to a massive fault. I get that it's a porn game so probably not focused on the gameplay all that much, and that's generally fine, but there are scenes locked behind getting grabbed and behind actually losing. I am not exaggerating when I say that you actually have to try to get grabbed or lose. Getting grabbed is at least simple enough, but losing? You have to try as hard as you can, it's kind of a tedious and slow process even when you're intentionally taking damage.

I've played porn games that were really difficult and it could be frustrating but I'd still take them any day over this. I barely see the point of the game existing (especially the combat) when losing is a choice, and a tedious one. Not even saying that this difficulty shouldn't exist, but it should be an option- alongside another option to make the game harder.


I changed the keyboard layout that I replaced now I can't go into the game, because they require me to press some kind of "ButtonA". Tell me where this key / combination is located, or how to bring the game settings down to standard


Can u make an android version


Louder they might hear us 😭😭😭



(1 edit) (-23)

Please advertise this correctly so people who aren't looking for homosexual games happen to install this without knowing what they embark upon...


did you not look at the tags?


Mobile when

is there a release date for the steam release yet?


Master Piece


Hey, FFF. Are you going to publish a finished product to Itch?


We so need mobile pleaseeeeeee


Mobile pls


10/10 stars! really well made and fun to play excited to see it when its completed :3


When will yall add an android? I wanna play thw game so bad


Nice game, really looking forward to where this leads to. Just a few things I always wondered? Can x-ray vision be optional for all scenes? Also, can there be a system to actually not have any downside for being a giver and not a receiver?

The story in this game is way deeper than I thought it was gonna be.


after i installed the new version the button meter is missing. also stuck after getting to cas

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Amazing, cant wait for more!

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